Are you a person who has just started working or waiting to be placed? You have probably been preparing yourself to take up this job for many years now. It might be a job that you have dreamt of since you were in college or maybe it is a job that suits your area of specialisation. Whatever the type of job, there are a few things you should definitely know to be able to have a successful career.
In a constantly evolving world, becoming a proactive employee solely depends on your insight and your way of handling the challenges that come your way. Clear and proper communication is the key to creating a progressive working environment. Emails and letters are the two main means of communication used in a workplace, mostly irrespective of the kind of work. Practising to write meaningful and error-free emails can become your Unique Selling Point (USP) if you learn how to draft a good email. The article on email writing format will definitely guide you through it. Go through the article and sample emails to know more.
In spite of being one of the oldest means of communication, letter writing is still considered to be one of the most accepted ways to provide information within the working firm and otherwise. From the time you are in school, you have been taught to write letters – both formal and informal. However, there are people who still find it difficult to write well crafted letters; the only reason for this being the lack of proper instruction and practice. Explore the article on letter writing in English to learn more about letter writing and the types of letter writing.
Informing your boss or your reporting manager about the reason for missing to mark your attendance, the reason for your absence, the report for the day, the proposal for a new project or a request for a higher compensation, a transfer, an attestation, etc. can be easily conveyed through letters or emails. It is the same with employers as well. Letters and emails come in handy when the employer wants to inform the employees about a change in work timings, a new project, a meeting, a promotion and so on.
Points to Remember
- When you draft an email or a letter that has to be shared for official reasons, remember that no matter how close your colleagues are, you have to always use formal language and maintain a professional tone.
- Letters can follow the format of a formal letter.
- For both emails and letters, make sure you write a short and clear subject so that the receiver will know what exactly the letter or email is about the moment they receive it.
- Mark them as important in case you want it to be reviewed or acted upon at the earliest.
- Ensure that you write the complete address in a formal letter accurately and the correct email address when sending an email.
- See to it that you mention all the necessary details. For instance, do not forget to add the attachments if you have to enclose any documents for the receiver’s reference.
- It does not matter how many letters or emails you have written already. Always proofread before sending them.
So, what’s next?
All the best for your new job.
For those who are already working, keep up the good work.
Happy working everyone!